Welcome Teachers

Teachers and school staff, do some of your students need home computers? You have come to the right website. Brunswick County’s Computers for Kids will provide a free desktop computer to any child who is enrolled in Brunswick County Schools K-middle school, and if they are high school or Early College, a laptop (depending upon availability). To provide some order to the program we ask you to be our filter. The input for a free computer can come directly from you or through a student who approaches you asking for a home PC.
All you need to do is call us on 910-523-0571 or email us on bccomputers4kids@gmail.com and we will arrange to drop off the number of PCs that you need at your school.
Our program is trying to ensure that all kids in Brunswick County have a fair chance at staying in school and doing well. Please pass this on to all teachers in Brunswick County that you know. Also call us if you have suggestions for our program.
The C4K Team